ReROW is an emerging research cluster in the process of identifying and applying for research grants. Stay tuned to this page to hear about our future research!
Guiding research question:
How might urban ROW (streets) be designed, engineered, or managed to advance diverse goals, functions, and users?

Research Themes
The ReROW cluster has three interrelated and synergistic themes with the long-term goal of providing policy guidance to public agencies:
Mobility and Place
This theme focuses on how people, goods, and utilities are transported to destinations. Research questions here are centered on how the ROW may be planned, designed, engineered, and managed to support this function.
ReROW will (i) test these relationships using real and virtual design interventions, (ii) understand how these interventions might be implemented and scaled, and (iii) develop and implement new tools for ROW planning and evaluation.
Energy and Environment
This theme is concerned with understanding and mitigating the environmental impacts and the energy demands from transportation and other activities in the ROW.
In this theme, we will (i) explore how ROW design and technology may mitigate these negative environmental effects and (ii) develop data, models, and decision tools to test ROW policies and plans at various spatial and temporal scales.
Health and Wellbeing
How people move around in cities has important implications for their physical and mental health and wellbeing. The design of the ROW can promote more healthful, independent, and active living for people of all ages and abilities.
ReROW research will: (i) understand how physical movement through the built environment contributes to various aspects of cognition, health, and wellbeing, (ii) identify how ROW designs may have varying impacts across different population segments (e.g., age cohorts, gender, racialized minorities and Indigenous populations, the unhoused), (iii) identify mechanisms where health outcomes can be incorporated into the modeling tools developed in themes A and B above.